CrazyFitnessGuy Healthy Living Podcast

Crafting Cliffhangers: Megan Linsky & Alicia Rades on Academy of Magical Creatures (Premium)

Subscriber Episode CrazyFitnessGuy Season 1 Episode 83

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In this episode, Jimmy welcomes USA Today's best-selling authors, Megan Linski and Alicia Rades. Dive into an engaging conversation about their Academy Magical Creatures series, a collection that has kept Jimmy up late at night due to its addictive storyline and cliffhangers. Discover the secrets behind their compelling characters, the inspiration for their twists and turns, and how they bring their own experiences into their writing. Megan and Alicia share insights on their writing process, the importance of diverse representation in literature, and their plans for future projects. If you’re a fan of fantasy, relatable characters, and stories that keep you on the edge of your seat, this episode is a must-listen!

00:01:30 " Megan and Alicia are two of my favorite authors of all time

00:02:44 " How did you come up with this amazing story

00:05:12 " So Sophia is the main character with firepower, and she comes into this world unaware

00:07:20 " Why do you think the books have done so well, and why is the characters relatable

00:14:44 " How many twists and turns do you put in one book

00:17:33 " Which character do you most relate to and why

00:21:47 " There will be a price to pay to get to book six

00:23:03 " How many books have you guys written together so far

About The Guests

Megan Linski lives in Michigan. She is the author of more than sixty fantasy and paranormal novels which feature themes of friendship, community, and healthy romantic relationships.

I’m Alicia Rades, a young adult and new adult paranormal author from Wisconsin, and I’m so glad you’re here! I love connecting with readers online, at in-person events, and through stories.

Connect With The Guests


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• ​• ​Welcome ​to ​Crazy ​Fitness ​Guy ​Healthy ​Living ​podcast, ​where ​we ​strive ​to ​motivate ​people ​who ​are ​on ​the ​autism ​spectrum ​to ​live ​healthy ​lifestyles. ​If ​you ​think ​this ​podcast ​is ​only ​for ​people ​who ​are ​autistic, ​then ​think ​again ​whether ​you ​are ​autistic ​or ​not. ​We ​have ​a ​mix ​of ​content ​from ​healthy ​living ​to ​everything ​in ​between, ​that ​makes ​up ​a ​balanced ​and ​healthy ​life. ​Autism ​is ​our ​backbone, ​and ​we ​strive ​to ​support ​the ​autism ​community ​by ​motivating, ​inspiring, ​and ​educating ​everyone ​about ​what ​autism ​is. ​Please ​welcome ​your ​host, ​Jimmy ​Claire, ​who ​is ​a ​motivational ​speaker, ​autism ​advocate, ​author, ​and ​founder ​of ​ ​• ​• ​• ​• ​•

Jimmy Clare

Welcome ​to ​another ​episode, ​Crazy ​Fitness ​Guy ​Healthy ​Learn ​podcast. ​That's ​Ricoh ​motivation ​with ​Crazy ​Fitness ​Guy. ​Uh, ​today's ​Tuesday's ​guests ​are ​to ​USA ​TOday's ​best ​selling ​authors, ​Megan ​Linsky ​and ​Alicia ​Reyes. ​And ​I'm ​looking ​forward ​to ​talking ​to ​them ​because ​I've ​been ​reading ​their ​• ​Academy ​Magical ​Creatures ​book, ​and ​I ​am ​so ​addicted ​to ​this ​series. ​• ​• ​Uh, ​let's ​just ​say ​it's ​been ​a ​long ​time ​since ​I've ​read ​a ​series ​that ​has ​kept ​me ​up ​until ​• ​super ​late ​at ​night. ​And, ​yeah, ​uh, ​I ​wonder ​why ​I ​haven't ​been ​getting ​sleep, ​because ​I ​keep ​on ​wondering. ​I ​want ​to ​know ​what ​happens ​to ​the ​characters, ​and ​• ​it's ​literally ​torture ​when ​I ​go ​to ​bed. ​It's ​like, ​I ​need ​to ​know ​what ​happens, ​and ​it's ​just ​not ​fair. ​And ​they ​leave ​on ​so ​many ​cliffhangers, ​but.

Megan and Alicia are two of my favorite authors of all time

So ​let's ​welcome ​today's ​guest, ​though. ​And ​I've ​been, ​like, ​literally ​just ​counting ​down ​the ​days ​to ​get ​to ​meet ​these ​two. ​And, ​uh, ​• ​• ​I ​swear ​they're, ​like, ​• ​• ​• ​my ​top ​• ​• ​• ​favorite ​authors ​of ​all ​time. ​So ​• ​• ​here's ​Megan ​and ​Alicia. ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​So, ​uh, ​my ​first ​question ​for ​both ​of ​you. ​Uh, ​uh, ​well, ​my ​first ​question ​for ​you ​is, ​• ​• ​• ​with ​these ​books, ​um, ​• ​why ​do ​you ​keep. ​• ​• ​• ​Let's ​just ​say, ​why ​do ​you ​keep ​messing ​with ​the ​main ​group, ​four ​group ​of ​characters? ​It's ​just ​so ​mean. ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​•

Megan Linski

With ​present ​spawn, ​• ​• ​• ​• ​there's ​no ​story ​if ​the ​main ​character ​doesn't ​go ​through ​trials ​and ​tribulations. ​And ​the ​best ​stories ​are ​where ​you ​watch ​the ​main ​character ​succeed ​at ​all ​costs. ​So ​that's ​why ​we ​put ​our ​characters ​through ​what ​we ​put ​them ​through, ​because ​we ​want ​people ​to ​know ​that ​you ​can ​be ​a ​hero ​no ​matter ​what ​you're ​going ​through. ​What's ​your ​answer ​to ​that, ​Alicia?

Alicia Rades

Uh, ​or ​would ​it ​just ​echo ​what ​you ​said? ​I ​mean, ​there ​is ​no ​story ​if ​they're ​not ​going ​through ​something ​and ​learn ​something ​at ​the ​end ​because ​of ​it. ​• ​•

How did you come up with this amazing story

Jimmy Clare

Well, ​• ​so ​my ​next ​question ​for ​you ​guys ​are, ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​how ​did ​you ​come ​up ​with ​this ​amazing ​story? ​And ​did ​you ​know ​it ​was ​always ​gonna ​be, ​• ​uh, ​six, ​uh, ​• ​• ​books ​in ​the ​series, ​or. ​• ​• ​•

Megan Linski

We ​did ​not. ​Um. ​Um. ​So ​when ​me ​and ​Alicia ​first ​got ​together ​and ​started ​to ​co ​write, ​we ​agreed ​to ​write ​a ​trilogy ​of ​three ​short ​books. ​And ​by ​the ​time ​we ​were ​about ​halfway ​through ​the ​fire ​prophecy, ​which ​is ​the ​first ​book ​of ​the ​Academy ​Magical ​Creatures ​series, ​we ​realized ​that ​those ​were ​not ​going ​to ​be ​short ​because ​• ​the ​first ​half ​was ​the ​length ​of, ​um, ​the ​book ​that ​we ​wanted ​to ​write ​originally. ​So ​we ​decided ​that ​we ​needed ​to ​expand ​it ​to ​five ​books. ​And ​then ​after ​that, ​we ​decided ​that's ​not ​good ​enough ​either. ​We ​need ​to ​go ​to ​five ​• ​• ​• ​• ​or ​six. ​Sorry, ​I ​have ​alcalia, ​and ​I ​cannot. ​Like, ​I ​don't ​do ​numbers, ​so ​Alicia ​does ​the ​numbers ​for ​me. ​But ​anyway, ​we ​just ​kept ​on ​writing, ​and ​it ​kept ​on ​getting ​more ​and ​more ​ideas, ​and ​we ​just ​could ​not ​put ​it ​down, ​and ​that's ​where ​we ​ended ​up. ​• ​•

Jimmy Clare

Well, ​• ​• ​• ​it's ​really ​impressive, ​especially ​because ​• ​• ​• ​I ​can ​relate. ​• ​• ​• ​• ​I ​found ​for ​myself, ​every ​time ​when ​I ​read ​another ​chapter ​in ​the ​book, ​I ​can ​relate ​to ​literally ​all ​the ​characters ​at ​once. ​• ​And ​it ​was ​like, ​I ​have ​my ​smart ​moments, ​and ​then ​I ​have. ​Let's ​just ​say ​• ​I ​have ​my ​Liam ​moments ​where ​I ​went ​through, ​like, ​last ​three ​weeks. ​I ​was ​in ​a ​total ​funk, ​and ​I ​was ​like, ​• ​• ​uh. ​• ​I ​really ​feel ​very ​close ​to ​Liam ​right ​now. ​It's ​like ​I ​really ​just ​wanted, ​• ​• ​uh. ​I ​was ​at ​the ​point ​of ​just, ​like, ​just ​throwing ​everything ​away, ​but ​then ​I ​was ​like, ​what's ​the ​point ​of ​that? ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​•

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